You can do it. Whatever IT is, you can.
“But I don’t know if I can.”
You can.
“But I don’t feel qualified enough.”
You are.
“But I don’t have the time.”
You’ll find it.
“But I don’t know if I have the courage.”
You do.
How do I know? Because I’ve said and felt all of those things. It took me FOUR years to write my last book (which was considerably less time than it took to write the one before that!). And I hit wall after wall, setback after setback. But I just kept going. You wanna know a few things that went on those four years?
- Had baby #3, who was born with two club feet
- Gave baby #3 physical therapy in the hospital three times a week and therapy at home three times a DAY
- Baby #3 had surgery at two months old
- Had baby #4 while baby #3 was still in physical and speech therapy
- Developed a hemorrhaging ovarian cyst
- Moved (away from friends and family) for husband’s job
- Started homeschooling
- Was diagnosed with a herniated disc
I say all of that not to ask for pity or any ‘oh my’s,’ but to say, YOU CAN DO IT!
In the midst of all that chaos and struggle, I kept moving forward, because I had a purpose. A dream. A goal. Whatever you want to call it, I knew what I was meant to do regardless of all the crazy things that kept popping up. (And I left out a few more personal things!)
Sometimes we look at someone else’s finish line and only see the final product. We forget all the behind-the-scenes struggle and effort that brought them to their point of success.
Everyone has something they could use as an excuse. But at some point, your purpose has to be louder than the excuses.
You are qualified. You are courageous. You are able. You can do IT.
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